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Od kilku lat należę do międzynarodowego stowarzyszenia WPJA (WeddingPhotojournalistAssociation) oraz jego artystycznej sekcji (ArtisticGuild of the WPJA). Jest to prestiżowa organizacja zrzeszająca najlepszych fotoreporterów ślubnych na świecie, a jej wymogi przynależności spełnia jedynie 5% wszystkich aplikujących fotografów z całego świata.
Wszystkich miłośników naprawdę dobrej, reportażowej fotografii ślubnej zapraszam na strony www.wpja.com oraz www.agwpja.com po ucztę dla oka,
A poniżej moje małe sukcesy czyli prace wyróżnione w różnych kategoriach przez międzynarodowe jury w konkursach stowarzyszenia.
Simple yet took advantage of the light to focus on the event; the bride and groom add drama to this performance. Lovely backlighting on a new technique for cutting cake. Link do nagrody WPJA Q2 2015 „Cake cutting”
WPJA Q2 2015 „Cake cutting” 7 miejsceI love looking at photos. I am pleased at an astonishing array of styles but I must confess that I truly enjoy a simple moment photographed in a way that allows a moment to speak with little nudging via style orgimmick. As such, this image feels like (because only time can create one) a classic. Honestly, I would be able to identify this image at first sight as a marriage scene, a "first dance." That'show well a moment can tell a story without any "props". It's such a lovely image that could, hopefully, warm any heart as much as my own. Link do nagrody WPJA Q3 2014 „First dance”
WPJA Q3 2014 „First dance” 11 miejsceGood seeing on the part of the photographer as they capture "Game Over" on the bottom of the Groom's shoes. It's very easy to be caught up in the expression and other important moments in a wedding but these kinds of details are priceless. Link do nagrody WPJA Q2 2014 „Shoe Details”
WPJA Q2 2014 „Shoe Details” 11 miejsce
If you are looking at this page then look no further! Tomasz is a wonderful man with a great talent for taking beautiful pictures. Not only he is a real gentleman, he is passionate about getting the best photographs possible. Tomasz made us feel totally a tease and our wedding photographs speak volumes as to get the best photographs possible. Excellent content, lighting, composition and blend of individual and group photographs. We were overwhelmed with the quality. Tomasz was easy to work with, not intrusive, and allowed us to enjoy our special day. All our family and friends have said how lucky we were to have such a good photographer. Tomasz has given us beautiful photographs that we will treasure and they will serve as a wonderful reminder of our happy day. Thank you Tomasz, for the lovely memories captured forever in the beautiful photos.
Vielen lieben Dank euch beiden, Tomasz und Madzia, für die tolle Zusammenarbeit, die wunderschönen und ausgefallenen Hochzeitsfotos und das echt gelungene Fotobuch! Auf das es bald wieder eine Gelegenheit für eine neue Fotosession gibt! Freuen uns jetzt schon! Ganz liebe Gruse aus Wien.
ANITA & KONRAD 26.07.2014
We would like to highly recommend Tomasz Toton Photography for any event. We decided to organize our wedding in Sicily, Italy and after looking for a photographer in Sicily as well as in Poland, we knew that the best option would be Tomasz Toton. There were a few BIG reasons for that:
We spent three days of photo shooting in Sicily, exhausted, yet not stressed at all. Our wedding day went by so fast so that we did not even notice when Tomasz and Magda (his wife) took all these pictures. It was such a great experience and an amazing souvenir. We are super happy that we chose Tomasz Toton Photography instead of any other photographer.PATRYCJA & WOJCIECH 19.06.2013
- great flexibility of our photo shooting ideas including under water photo shooting
- an opinion of very hard-working and dedicated photographer
- two different perspectives i.e. Tomasz Toton does most of his projects with his wife who also takes pictures – it was so important for us to have two points of view: female and male
- great people skills so that coping with picky client was not a problem
- the patience towards the client
- very ambitious in terms of choosing the scenes
- catching the moments instead of posing all the time
Tomasz Totoń Photography
ul. Bobrzyńskiego 45B/90,
Kraków,PLNIP: PL 6842204485
REGON: 180100288 -
Dane kontaktowe
Telefon: +48 604 294 356
E-mail: tomasz@toton.pl
Skype: ttoton
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